Once upon a time, in 1993, three handsome young men, Raoul, Schmielden, and Kiko, who lived in the far suburbs of Paris, played quite great music.
At those joyful times, The THANATOS immersed the most famous places of its area into a dark chaos, getting more and more famous and growing their know-how. In those times, death metal had not yet burst worldwide, and drummers did not exist, so the band resigned itself to play with "Robocop" : half monster, half machine, 100% brutal.
Eventually, after a series of dates in Ile de France, and in particular in Paris, the band met with a drummer, Fred: half man, half beer. After a few memorable concerts, life, always even more cruel, split these wonderful musicians up in 1999.
In 2000, although an attempt to rebuild the band with the help of "Robocop" was made, which set several cities on fire, the band split up again, its members were then scattered here and there around Paris.
Revival arose in 2005, and THANATOS woke La Loco up in Paris, together with Destruction, then it was the Babylon Café of Amiens which ended up in a shower of beer for the greatest pleasure of its enraged fans.
Today The THANATOS, whose name has been used by many other bands, is going to spread the fury of its lyrics against humanity, with a music even more stamped by a desire of death.