EUGENISM (Schmielden)
Learning my neighbourghood, they are all freaks,
Nature made too much faults, I'm proud to be different.
People looks ugly, and people looks so sad,
They are staring at me, as if I were from Mars.
Into equality, I see mediocrity,
If there is distinction, there's a progression.
Natural selection, mankind amelioration,
But art of medecine, keeps the weakers alive.
Stronger is the hate, for the human race. Eugenism
Stronger is the love, for the ones to come. Eugenism
The existence of freaks, is stopping progress. Eugenism
Genetic, manipulation, got to be. Progression.
There's nothing wrong in me, it's just a strange feeling,
I can't forsee what is to be, but I'll realise my dream.
People walking in the street, will never look sad,
Everyone's nice and great, after we've killed bad genes.
Eugenism is not something very cruel
Eugenism is building a future
Eugenism is for a better world
Eugenism is a way for the surhuman.